Birth & The Cubbies
Funny story:
I was born Wednesday, May 30......during a Cubs game. I am the third kid in my family so by the time I came along my mother was familiar with the drill of birthing babies. So on this Wednesday, she realized that she was having contractions and that I was on my way BUT she really wanted to see the end of the Cubs vs Giant's game. So she waited...and waited...and waited. Eventually she realized that she couldn't wait any longer. She and my father rushed to the hospital where there NURSE had to deliver me without the doctor. Ten minutes after arriving at the hospital and Nicole Georgea arrived. So, my love for the Cubs goes way down deep.
Happy Home Opener, Cubbies! #gocubsgo
The one bad part is that the Cubs lost this game. But it is probably because my mom had to leave and couldn't watch the end of it.